01. May 2017

The Return of the Ghost

I guess the first time I can blame unclear time schedules. This time I cut it down but deliberately kept four hours. I’ve come to enjoy the hours just after something intense, but before you are back in reality, as some kind of meditation. The Ease-out-of-the-bubble-effect.

This post goes out to those girls in that car that one time.


07. October 2016

Jag sprang ett varv

Fredag. 22:00.
Oktober. Åtta grader.
Mörkt utöver fotbollsplanens strålkastare.
En timer på 20 minuter.
Ett varv runt planen är 400 meter.


14. August 2016

Traveling with Phil

I’m from Sweden. I stand in line politely. If I can dodge an awkward situation by being silent, avoiding conflicts, and generally be kind of passive to the surroundings, I’ll most likely do that.

Phil is not from Sweden.


08. May 2016

The ghost of Östersund Airport

Some airplane technician with an yellow vest is about to order something. Might as well take this opportunity to grab another freshly pressed orange juice. The staff is very friendly, but not very present. When I first arrived, I surprised both the woman working with luggage, the woman working in security and the girl in this cafeteria.


25. March 2015

Mannen med hålet i foten. Och själen.

Detta är en (inte speciellt kort) återgivelse av min process att försöka laga en trasig fot. Det kanske ibland verkar som att jag insinuerar att sjukvården försenat denna process genom misstag. Men de misstag som är relevanta är främst mina egna. Oroa dig inte: jag kommer markera ut dem.


03. November 2013

Welcome to the North

We arrive late, almost midnight. Something feels wrong. We should not really be here.
